
Friday, December 18, 2020

Day 5 week 1:Which doesn't belong


Today I did a slide show about which doesn't belong.On slide 8 I made 
my own so you can go and try it if you want.

1 comment:

  1. Kia Ora Malachi

    My name is Renee and I’m from the Summer Learning Journey Team.

    Ka pai on your excellent work on this blog post. In particular, it is awesome that you managed to spot so many differences for each group of images. Which group of four images was your favourite to review and why?

    I have really enjoyed analysing the four original images of trees you shared in your post. The differences I noticed were:

    The third tree (counting the four squares from left to right, top to bottom, as if you are reading a book) is growing on a hill - while the other three appear to be growing on flat earth.
    The third tree is the only picture which does not contain any clouds.
    The second tree is standing alone, while all the other tree pictures include more than one tree.
    The fourth tree is the only tree that is not growing out of grass.

    What other differences can you spot?

    Ngā mihi nui and keep up the excellent mahi.

    Renee (SLJ)


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